Real Examples of Evolution

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In this section:  Chance or Design? •  The Scientific MethodLife in a Test Tube?The EyeIrreducible ComplexityAnything Can Happen? Evolution or Selection?Real Examples of Evolution"Do You Feel Lucky?"(Abio)Genesis 1:1Life from Comets?Life on Mars?Richard DawkinsA Brief History of Slime...

Natural evolution or Divine Creation?

What Can We Learn from
Real Examples of Evolution?

It's no secret that evolution is a fact.  It's occurring all around us.   There are endless examples of it:

Automobile Kitty Hawk Computer Television
Automobiles Airplanes Computers Televisions

These machines have evolved!

Each has evolved from the simple to the complex, adapting to new needs and causing its ancestors to become extinct. We even refer to the older versions as "dinosaurs" because of their large size or lack of speed and sophistication.

Each machine, each new model, is a unique creation that had to be built from the drawing board up.

Certainly there were many things learned from earlier versions, but the knowledge put to use in each was a complete, unique, independent creation that shared only concepts of design, and not the same physical parts, with its predecessors.

Have they evolved without
intelligence, design and purpose?

Suppose you were told that all these machines evolved on their own, by chance and adaptation, with no intelligence, no design and no purpose.

Suppose you were told that a computer created new program enhancements through disk errors, mutations or viruses that gave functionality that didn't exist before.

How would you respond to such a claim?

Could biological "machines" evolve on their own?

Can you believe that the highly sophisticated biological machines that we call "life" evolved without an even greater intelligence, design and purpose behind them?

Is there design and purpose for our existence?

The issue at the heart of the matter is whether or not your life comes from God, a greater intelligence who designed you and has purpose for your existence.

So how can one find the truth about life?

The Other Side of Common Beliefs
Common Beliefs

Seek the Truth
Seek the Truth

In this section
 Chance or Design? •  The Scientific Method Life in a Test Tube?The EyeIrreducible Complexity Anything Can Happen?Evolution or Selection?Real Examples of Evolution"Do You Feel Lucky?"(Abio)Genesis 1:1Life from Comets?Life on Mars?Richard DawkinsA Brief History of Slime...



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